665 research outputs found

    English for the Purpose of Reducing the Poverty of Orphans with Disabilities in Thailand

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    This study examines the English teaching/learning practices of Christian missionaries who teach Thai orphans with disabilities with a view to developing skills that will enable them to overcome their impoverished condition.   The researcher found that older Thai orphans (>14 years) with disabilities evinced higher levels of awareness of their disabilities and are accordingly more engaged in learning English than the other orphans examined.  This is because they believe the acquisition of English skills will prove compensatory in view of the paucity of survival skills they now command, thereby enhancing employment opportunities in spite of their disabilities.  Conversely, the researcher found that younger Thai orphans (<14 years) with disabilities exhibited lower levels of awareness of the consequences of having disabilities and scarcely saw the need to learn English for the sake of becoming more employable.  As a result of demonstrating the role of awareness of disabilities as a major motivating factor for learning English, the researcher concludes that Thai orphans such as those studied can be encouraged to learn English by heightening their awareness that their job opportunities are limited by their disabilities and that becoming skilled in English can provide a feasible means whereby they can obtain suitable employment.  The results of this study should prove beneficial to those engaged in sustainable English education and practice in Thai orphanages. Keywords: Orphans with disabilities, English teaching/learning, poverty reductio

    Rethinking globalization, English and multilingualism in Thailand: a report on a five-year ethnography

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    The starting point of this paper is to the development of a relatively panoramic account of English and multilingualism in Thailand, illuminating the relationships among powers (trends), individuals and groups and their multilingual practices. Most previous studies draw upon arguments from the traditional monocentric model of nation-state multilingualism. Surprisingly, little is known about the polycentric forces influencing multilingual distributions. Methodologically, large-scale data sets are gathered through literature, documents, questionnaires, interviews and observing actual language behaviors. The ethnographic data gathered are analyzed through content analysis conventions. Challenging Smalley’s nationalist model, the central thesis of this paper is to present an alternative path, a polycentric model, to better understand Thailand’s multilingualism. There is a lack of adequate evidence within and across Thailand to show the existence of a universal and coherent hierarchy connecting different layers of language users. As such, this paper argues that Smalley’s universal hierarchy/dominance model has to compete with alternative models termed a ‘multiarchy’ or ‘multiarchies’ (a portmanteau of “multiple hierarchies”) where parallel language hierarchies co-exist with the orthodox one


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    The purpose of this study was to analyze effects of functional knee brace on muscular activation of lower extremity for the ACLR athletes during single leg drop landing. Marker trajectories, ground reaction forces and EMG signals were collected and synchronized by Vicon Nexus software. Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare muscle activations of ACLR athletes when wearing knee brace verses no knee brace, and the significance level was set at a = .05. The results showed that the GM, RF and BF muscle activation levels were significant increased when wearing knee brace than no knee brace at singleleg drop jump. Wearing knee brace for ACLR athletes can help to increase activation of knee flexors and help to stabilize knee joint during dynamic situation. We suggest that knee brace could help ACLR athlete to maintain better knee stability

    Pseudozyma spp. and Barnettozyma spp. effectively kill cancer cells in vitro

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    AbstractCancer is the overall leading cause of death in developed countries and also worldwide, and being able to exploit an effective anticancer drug is the aim of all cancer scientists. However, many of the synthetic drugs produced so far usually cause serious side effects, which reduces their therapeutic efficacy. Discovering new drugs or auxiliary therapies derived from natural products might thus provide a novel opportunity for cancer therapy. A recent study reported that some lethal toxins can maintain their activity after being injected into mice. We therefore used two Pseudozyma spp. and three Barnettozyma spp. to examine whether these killer yeasts can preserve their lethal effect on cancer cells under the physical environment (optimum pH, temperature and osmolality, supporting a living cell accomplishes to proliferate, metabolize, differentiate and survive). Our preliminary results showed that both Barnettozyma spp. and Pseudozyma spp. have stronger cytotoxicity against HepG2 than Chang’s liver cells. According to the results of two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE), a total of 115 and 27 proteins differentially expressed by 1.5-fold or more were observed for HepG2 and Chang’s liver cells, respectively. Furthermore, we explored the mechanism involved in the effect of the lethal yeast filtrates on liver cancer cells using 2D-DIGE and mass spectrometry

    Nursing Students’ Clinical Confidence In Caring Tuberculosis: Indonesian Version Of The U.S Tuberculosis Curriculum Consortium Survey Using Rasch Analysis

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    Background: Nursing students who are prepared in clinical practicums to comprehend the knowledge, reflect their beliefs about tuberculosis instruction, and perceive their abilities in caring for tuberculosis patients are also at risk. Nursing students’ clinical confidence in caring for tuberculosis patients is essential to be assessed. Knowledge, beliefs, and clinical confidence, as unidimensional constructs based on Bandura’s theory of self-efficacy, had been used in the US National Tuberculosis Curriculum Consortium (NTCC) survey for nursing students. This study's objective was to investigate the Indonesian version of the NTCC survey among nursing students' experiences caring for tuberculosis patients.   Methods: A quantitative study with cross-sectional using an online survey among 250 students 1st to 3rd-yearrd year students in one faculty of nursing in Banten, Indonesia. Prior to data collection, NTCC surveys were translated backward and forward, reviewed by experts, and tested in a pilot project.   Results: Internal consistency using Rasch analysis on each subscale showed good results and gave strong evidence that three subscales are unidimensional. There was an item separation index and reliability score, in that order: knowledge about tuberculosis (8.68 and 0.99), beliefs regarding tuberculosis instructions (6.50 and 0.98), and clinical confidence in caring for tuberculosis patients (6.29 and 0.98).   Conclusion: The Indonesian version of the NTCC survey has excellent internal consistency. This instrument might be improved since the original instrument is 13 years old and there is a cultural gap between the US and Indonesia. Moreover, this instrument might be needed for improving tuberculosis teaching in the nursing curriculum in Indonesia

    A study of job insecurity and life satisfaction in COVID-19: the multilevel moderating effect of perceived control and work–life balance programs

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    Background: The effect of COVID-19 on the manufacturing industry in China has resulted in increased employee psychological pressure and job insecurity. This study uses a theoretical model to identify the links between job insecurity and life satisfaction, and further explores the multilevel moderating effect underlying these links. Methods: Based on the conservation of resources theory, a hierarchical linear model is utilized to test the relationships among cross-level variables. The data comprises 528 valid questionnaires from 43 manufacturing companies in China. Results: The research results show that both perceived control (individual level) and work–life balance programs (organizational level) positively moderate the relationship between job insecurity and life satisfaction. Conclusions: This study contributes toward identifying the effect of employees’ psychological status and job insecurity on life satisfaction, and further confirms two different level moderators that alleviate the negative relationship between job insecurity and life satisfaction. Whether different genders have an effect on perception of life satisfaction is also considered, and the results show that men perceive significantly greater life satisfaction than women. Finally, based on the research findings, practical and theoretical implications are proposed

    Unlocking service provider excellence : expanding the touchpoints, context, qualities framework

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    Customer reviews offer scope for better understanding the customer experience (CX), which may be leveraged to improve firms' CX performance. We extend the Touchpoints, Context, Qualities (TCQ) nomenclature by integrating it with the ARC value-creation elements and the multiple dimensions of CX. Our extended TCQ framework comprises nine building blocks to delineate dynamic what we term CX performance trajectories. We test our framework by collecting verbatim text-based reviews, and transforming them into two robust data sets (weekly, and monthly), which we examine using a dynamic Hidden Markov Model. We identify three levels of CX performance states and the migrations paths between them. We find that the building blocks coherently express mechanisms that are effective at the weekly and monthly levels for helping firms improve, and prevent deterioration of, CX performance. This research enriches the CX and TCQ literature. In particular, we derive actionable guidance for managers to facilitate the dynamic management of their firm’s CX performance
